Expert PPC Audit

Unlock the full potential of your ad spend!

Looking to transform your Pay-Per-Click campaigns? Our PPC Audit is your answer!

For just £999 (+VAT), our certified Ads Specialists dive deep into your selected PPC channel to bring you actionable insights that enhance performance and maximise ROI. Here’s what we offer: 

  • A comprehensive PPC Audit including an analysis of your campaign structure, keyword strategy, ad copy and targeting.
  • A comprehensive PPC strategy specifically tailored to your needs, enabling you to implement changes rapidly and see improved results sooner.
  • Custom insights tailored specifically to your marketing and growth goals.
  • A quick turnaround time of just 5 working days from start to finish!

Introducing our Seamless PPC Audit Process

Working with a Digital Marketing agency doesn’t have to be complicated. This is why we designed a process that is seamless and incorporates well with your current active PPC campaigns. Just follow a few simple steps:

  • Select your preferred PPC channel and provide us access to your existing campaigns.
  • Our experts will deliver a detailed presentation outlining strategic improvements and innovative suggestions.
  • Apply our tailored recommendations to optimise your campaigns and elevate your digital advertising efforts.

Why choose Yay!Starter?



Our team of PPC specialists is skilled in multiple advertising platforms, ensuring high-quality audits across any channel.



We prioritise swift delivery and impactful insights, providing you with quick, effective solutions that will deliver rapid results.


Yay!Starter prides itself on partnership. We’re here to support you before, during, and after the audit process.

We used to get anything between one to five leads per week. We’re now looking at 15 to 20, and we’ve got this down to absolute quality leads. I really can’t thank Yay!Starter enough!
Jamie Hughes - Specialist Service Director, Ultima Environmental

Here’s what our clients say

What Our Clients Say About Us
Thanks to Yay!Starter Marketing's field expertise, our campaigns have generated a 20.1% acceptance rate, allowing us to secure 350 new connections. The team effectively communicates with the client to provide progress updates and ensure the project's success.
- Emma Warren-Jones, Co-founder of Scholarcy
We came to Yay!Starter with some very unique requirements for online customer acquisition. They diligently researched the markets for us and suggested channels and approaches that we hadn’t considered, resulting in some very efficient CPA in new territories.
- Rahim Hirji, Ex-COO EtonX