Celebrating Yay!Starter’s Memorable B2B Tech Startup Pitching & Networking Event

We’ve just about caught our breath from last month’s exciting B2B Tech Startup Pitching and Networking event that took place on May 24. What a night it was, buzzing with innovation, and brimming with the energy of promising tech startups!

The venue

Our stage was graced by six exceptional tech companies: Elifinty, OneShot.ai, Audemic, webautomation.io, PrimaTrade, and Happy Electron. Each company, in its unique way, shared compelling narratives and visions of the future. The presenting teams did a fantastic job showcasing their innovative ideas to our attentive audience.

We were privileged to have a panel of experts from Concept Ventures, Galaev Grierson, Form Ventures, and ZEMU Venture Capital. Their insightful feedback and responses to audience questions added depth to discussions and surely provided valuable takeaways for all startups.

A hearty congratulations to Elifinty, steered by the talented Maysam Rizvi, on clinching the top spot in the tough pitching competition. His dedication and passion shone through the pitch. We also want to highlight the commendable presentation by webautomation.io. Guided by the dynamic Victor Bolu, they missed the top spot by a narrow 0.1 point, indicative of the high-calibre pitches we were treated to that night.

We extend our sincere thanks to SeedLegals for sponsoring the event, and to PitchFlix for ensuring our online audience could be part of the action. We also enjoyed the presentation by Jessy Conflon, Yay!Starter’s Co-founder and Growth Marketing Director, on “How to create and implement an effective marketing strategy that will help you attract more investors”, which added another dimension to our event.

With over 100 attendees, the networking session was a lively exchange of ideas and experiences. It was great to see everyone mingling and making connections, carrying on well past the 10 o’clock mark.

Sway Bar deserves a special mention. The venue was just right, with ample space and great service. They really helped set the stage for a successful event.

Thanks to all who attended and contributed to the event’s success. Your participation made the night truly memorable. We’re looking forward to more opportunities to connect, learn, and grow together in the future. Until then, keep up the great work and stay tuned to Yay!Starter for more updates!